Causes or Consequences

These two activities are used to conduct a root cause analysis and to explore the causes and consequences of issues that staff and constituents deal with on a daily basis. The root cause analysis includes a handout for the discussion about why conditions exist. The causes and consequences handout helps organizations explore the focus of the impact of their work. Are they addressing the (root) causes of conditions or the consequences, which doesnt lead to changing conditions and often creates the revolving door of service provision.
Other Resources Contributed by This Member

Tools to Engage Webinar Series Part 8: #OurNeighborhoods Anti-Displacement Toolkit

Tools to Engage Webinar Series Part 7: Census, the Citizenship Question, and the Community and Organizational Response

Tools to Engage Webinar Series Part 6: Engaging Constituents, Addressing Root Causes: Food Banks and Beyond

Tools to Engage Part 5: How Social Change Happens, The View From Detroit