Constituent Voice: A Technical Note
Constituent Voice is a methodology developed by Keystone Accountability to enable organizations to improve results by optimizing their relationships with their constituents. Steps are 1) Designing; 2) Collecting; 3) Analyzing; 4) Closing the loop; 5) Course correcting

Power and Constituent Engagement
This worksheet, which some may find helpful to use in tandem with the Sources of Power handout, allows individuals to assess where they personally have power within their organizational context, what power they have in relation to the clients/constituents their organization serves, and what might happen if clients/constituents had more of a say in the organizations.

Midwest Academy Strategy Chart
This handout guides the organization to explore what is currently happening within the organization as well as identifying those who will work with you and those who might block your efforts.

Where I Found Role Models Who Look Just Like Me
This motivating story by a youth leader can be effective to spark conversation about engaging often overlooked constituents for leadership roles.

Social Service to Social Change: A Process Guide
In 2006, the Building Movement Project published Social Service to Social Change: A Process Guide for staff and board members of nonprofit organizations to learn to incorporate social change values and practice into their work. While it has many activities, understanding the “Transformation Process” on page nine is foundational to making lasting change.

Beyond Marketing: Becoming a Constituent Centered Organization
This article provides concrete examples and ideas about engaging constituents in all facets of an organization.