#OurNeighborhoods Organizing Toolkit
#OurNeighborhoods is a network of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) grassroots organizations committed to addressing the issue of gentrification through neighborhood organizing. A project of the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD), #OurNeighborhoods builds power with low-income AAPI residents and youth who have been directly impacted by displacement. They created two toolkits, one for tenants and one for neighborhoods, as a resource for communities as they organize and build community power.

About National CAPACD
The National Coalition for Asian Pacific Americans Community Development (National CAPACD) is a coalition of nearly 100 community-based organizations spanning 21 states and the Pacific Islands. Our members work in low-income Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities to improve housing security and preserve our neighborhoods. We disseminate national resources locally, share best practices and advocate for community needs at the national level. Our work improves the lives of the over two million AAPIs living in poverty nationwide.
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