Pathways for Individual and Collective Empowerment

This detailed diagram illustrates how collective involvement and individual development empower social justice actions within a community. It can be used with the organization to measure change across a spectrum to increase understanding of the forces that are driving change and where efforts need to be focused.

Building Alliances with Diverse and Marginalized Groups

This section of the University of Kansas Community Toolbox explores building alliances with diverse and marginalized groups, promoting leadership and supporting people to gain power in their community.

Transactions, Transformations, Translations

“Transactions, Transformations, Translations: Metrics That 
Matter for Building, Scaling, and Funding Social Movements” is a way of looking at organizational growth and the alliance building that brings groups together. This evaluation approach can capture the importance of narrative and numbers, of politics and policies, of transformation as well as transaction.

The New Community Collaborative Manual

This manual provides information, tools and examples for collaboratives across developmental stages. Newer groups can benefit from the “how-to” sections and more established collaboratives will benefit from learning through more complex discussions.

Developing the Leadership of Recipients

This mini report is part of the 5% shifts series and focuses on the ways in which two nonprofit organziations are working towards leadership development.

Client Voice and Engagement

This agenda and activity worksheet is designed to identify opportunities for constituents to have more voice and leadership in your organzation and to generate a list of concrete practice shifts that can be proposed to others in the organzation.