Building Organizational Capacity for Social Justice
Recognizing that much has been done in the general field of capacity building of the nonprofit sector, the National Gender and Equity Campaign (NGEC) began conducting extensive research to understand existing frameworks, tools and approaches in capacity building. The transformation framework and accompanying tools within this publication highlight NGECs intention to elevate the social justice movement by supporting the development of social justice organizations.

Asset Based Community Development Resources
Asset Based Community Development is a strategy to link individual and community assets to the larger change initiatives so that communities
can drive the development process by identifying and mobilizing existing, but often unrecognized assets, and thereby responding to and creating local economic opportunity. This website/toolkit is a link to Asset Based Community Development resources. It provides talking points, asset mapping tools and facilitation tools. In the context of assessment, the approach uses a capacity inventory rather than a needs assessment to identify assets within the community that may not be obvious or useful to residents.

Resources for Learning: Collaboration
This resource describes the elements of collaboration and includes links to information, fact sheets, and articles about collaboration.