In this video we interview Julia Watt-Rosenfeld, Director of Community Organizing and Advocacy with Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation.

Engage to Change Video Series: Red Hook Initiative.
Explore how some nonprofits are shifting the way they engage the people they serve. Learn how community members moved from being recipients of expertise to becoming partners in transforming their own lives, the organization, and the surrounding community. In a series of conversations with a dozen New York City nonprofits, hear the motivation behind engaging clients and community members as agents of change in challenging times.
In this video we interview John Texidor, Co-Facilitator of Participatory Budgeting & Kiyana Slade, Community Organizer with Red Hook Initiative.

Engage to Change Video Series: Henry Street Settlement
Explore how some nonprofits are shifting the way they engage the people they serve. Learn how community members moved from being recipients of expertise to becoming partners in transforming their own lives, the organization, and the surrounding community. In a series of conversations with a dozen New York City nonprofits, hear the motivation behind engaging clients and community members as agents of change in challenging times.
In this video we interview Jeremy Reiss, Deputy Development Officer & Irene Alladice, community member with Henry Street Settlement.

Engage to Change Video Series: Henry Street Settlement Pt 2
Explore how some nonprofits are shifting the way they engage the people they serve. Learn how community members moved from being recipients of expertise to becoming partners in transforming their own lives, the organization, and the surrounding community. In a series of conversations with a dozen New York City nonprofits, hear the motivation behind engaging clients and community members as agents of change in challenging times.
In this video we interview Talia DeRogatis, Public Policy and Community Engagement Liaison & Gabriella Marrero, a student working with Henry Street Settlement.

Engage to Change Video Series: Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation Pt 1
Explore how some nonprofits are shifting the way they engage the people they serve. Learn how community members moved from being recipients of expertise to becoming partners in transforming their own lives, the organization, and the surrounding community. In a series of conversations with a dozen New York City nonprofits, hear the motivation behind engaging clients and community members as agents of change in challenging times.
In this video we interview Jamel Burgess, Youth Organizer with Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation.

Engage to Change Video Series: Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation Pt 2

New Voices at the Civic Table: Facilitating Personal and Social Change
This article describes six pilot initiatives of the Alliance for Children and Families — New Voices at the Civic Table (New Voices), a philanthropy-funded effort to challenge human service organizations to integrate civic engagement as a permanent part of their infrastructure. All six New Voices models included common elements: leadership training, civic education, experiential learning, participatory decision-making, networking, and reflective evaluation. Each also reflected one of four primary variations to civic engagement based on their community needs and demands: self-efficacy, constituent involvement, mobilizing, and organizing. Results demonstrate that civic engagement in human services not only produces a means for promoting social change but also changes the way participants see themselves in the community.

Building Community from the Inside Out
This report includes two case studies of community building efforts by nonprofit organizations in Detroit and New York City. The two cases profiled here focus on staff and clients, but organizations around the country are innovating to build a sense of community with volunteers and boards as well. Organizations who find inspiration in these examples and new insights from the tools and discussion questions are encouraged to find and develop their own practices.

Nonprofit Service Organizations and Civic Engagement
This report describes what took place during a national convening, held in 2007, on how nonprofit service organizations can support client and constituent civic involvement.

Client Voice and Engagement
When engaging clients or constituents more deeply in the work of your organization, it is helpful to examine not only the ways they are already involved, but also the quality of that engagement. Understanding who has power and how to share it is key to effectively involving constituent voice in your work. This agenda and the accompanying worksheet can help you to delve deeper into individual programs or areas of your work and begin to generate concrete ideas for next steps in engaging clients.

Caught in the Middle: Conflict between Grassroots and Instrumental Forms of Civic Participation
This article explores the various roles of citizen participation in community based organizations (specifically community development corporations). It includes a Citizen Participation Continuum which helps organizations and groups understand the source of conflicts between different types of citizen participation and provides organizations with a road map for evaluating programs that promote change in society.